HackTheBox - Travel

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Hello Guys , I am Faisal Husaini. My username on HTB is anishka. Also join me on discord.

The IP of this box is

Port Scan

Running nmap full port scan on it , we get


We have 3 Open Ports , one for SSH and the other two for Web

Moving directly towards the web part



We see a good webpage, but nothing much to see and find here , so moving towards the https version


We have a message by the admin the SSL is not yet implemented on the server and tell us to use the non-SSL websites


Checking the certificate, we get one domain www.travel.htb


Looking further more into the certificate, we get more domains which we put on our hosts file


Since we found many subdomains, I ran wfuzz to bruteforce more potential subdomains and got 2 more which were added to hosts file as well


Checking the ssl.travel.htb domain, it returned the same webpage as the SSL version of Web before


On the blog.travel.htb domain, we get a wordpress blog and nothing much interesting to find here


On the other hand on blog-dev.travel.htb, we get a forbidden error message so we run gobuster against it to find potential point of interests


We found a git directory , so we use a tool to dump the the git repository 

gitdumper.sh http://blog-dev.travel.htb/.git/ ~/htb/travel/repo


We downloaded the repository, we also need to extract it using a tool, the command is given below

extractor.sh ~/htb/travel/repo ~/htb/travel/repo-extract


Checking the contents, we found few files in the git repository and then checked some of the files, one of them was rss_template.php, we see that it is using SimplePie and that is querying memcache server which also has the prefix xct_

Checking more into the code below


We see that there is a GET request with debug parameter


Checking the template.php file, we see that there is a class TemplateHelper and inside there are functions _construct and _wakeup

So we know that Awesome RSS was in the blog.travel.htb domain, so we now run gobuster against the domain


We see that is has a /rss directory , which redirects us to /awesome-rss directory


Now we intercept the request and then test the debug parameter which we saw in the code, we can see the comment in the code that it has a PHP serialized object


If we see the code of SimplePie from the github directory and also check the memcache section in library/SimplePie/Cache/Memcache.php we have:

$this->name = $this->options['extras']['prefix'] . md5("$name:$type");

and $name was set to:

call_user_func($this->cache_name_function, $url)

The cache_name_function callback is defined in library/SimplePie.php as md5():

public function set_cache_name_function($function = 'md5')

so we have to take the md5sum of the URL twice with the TYPE_FEED, i.e, “spc”


We already saw the URL already in the rss_template.php code


Now we convert our URL with spc to MD5 hash and now we created our PHP file


Our code is ready where we used the same class from the template.php code to create our serialized object


We got our PHP serialized code which we will use on the on the memcache server to set the key and value


I used CyberChef to manage the URL and the memcache commands and then URL encode them


We used curl to process the request


Since we don’t know the location where our shell got uploaded


If we looked onto the README.md file on the git repository extracts, it tells us that it copies rss_template.php and template.php to /wp-content/themes/twentytwenty and also creates a logs directory on that location , so that might be the location of our shell upload


We found our shell and got command execution successfully


We get reverse shell as www-data and now moving into user privilege escalation


Checking the /opt folder , we have a wordpress directory and inside of it we find a SQL backup file


We found a hash for user lynik-admin and now use hashcat to crack it


We cracked the password and now connect to the machine as user lynik-admin through SSH


Privilege Escalation

Checking the user’s directory, we find two unusual files .ldaprc and .viminfo


Checking the .ldaprc file, it contains the ldap details


On the other hand, checking on the .viminfo file, we get a password Theroadlesstraveled which might be the password for ldap


Doing a ldapsearch query with the password we got


We see many ldap users and the list keeps going on


We see that all of the users have a fixed gidNumber ,i.e, 5000, we can change that to 27 which is the default group ID for sudo, doing this will help us use sudo with any program


Since ldap entries are modified using a .ldif file, we created our file with details to modify and also added a ssh key so that can connect to that user through SSH first


We used ldapmodify command to modify the ldap entry


We can confirm that the entry was modified and now connect to the user through SSH


We got in as the user jerry and can confirm that the user jerry is in sudoer’s group


Now running sudo -l command, it asks for password , which we dont know


We have to modify the entry of other user again and this time add a user password too so that we can use it with sudo


We switched to user brian this time with the same SSH key and now use sudo with bash


We got root and the root flag



How to Use LDIF Files to Change LDAP System

How to Set Up Secure Shell User Authentication From Public Keys Stored in LDAP

Entries for SSH Public Key in the LDAP Server

Hack The Box